Developing flexible shape changing actuators by means of 3D printing has become an exciting research field and has been widely used in our daily life. We first report a new and excellent photo-thermal material MWCNT–PLA composite, in which MWCNTs are dispersed in a thermally induced shape-changing polymer PLA matrix to enable light driven shape change. The near infrared irradiation can trigger the shape changing behavior of 3D printed actuators,as shown in Figure 1 a, the printed bionic flower actuator demonstrate the process of opening and closing under infrared irradiation. Architectured hydrogels with complex and controllable shape deformations were next realized by one-step 3D printing method. Flexibility in design, manufacturing and tailorable material compositions of the present approach allow to achieve various predictable and reversible 3D morphologies deformed from 1D strips, 2D sheets and 3D architectures. By incorporating stimuli-responsive compositions into the hydrogel, stimuli-responsive shape deformations can be realized readily. To demonstrate, a thermal-responsive gripper was printed to transfer items in water with different temperatures, as shown in Figure 1b. Owing to the versatile in materials, flexible in structure design, and the facile in 3D printing manufacturing, our study will open new avenues for achieving complex shape-changing architectures for soft robotics, tissue engineering, actuators, and beyond.
类型: 国际会议
作者: Xiaoqin Zhang,Zhongying Ji,Xiaolong Wang
来源: 第六届国际仿生工程学术大会暨2019年自然启迪科技国际研讨会 2019-09-23
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,信息科技
专业: 生物学,计算机软件及计算机应用
单位: State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
分类号: Q811;TP391.73
DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.063805
页码: 186
总页数: 1
文件大小: 366k
下载量: 2