Failure of critical national infrastructures can cause disruptions with widespread economic impacts. To analyze these economic impacts, we present an integrated modeling framework that combines:(1) geospatial information on infrastructure assets/networks and the natural hazards to which they are exposed;(2) geospatial modeling of the reliance of businesses upon infrastructure services, in order to quantify disruption to businesses locations and economic activities in the event of infrastructure failures;and(3) multiregional supply-use economic modeling to analyze wider economic impacts of disruptions to businesses. The methodology is exemplified through a case study for the United Kingdom. The study uses geospatial information on the location of electricity infrastructure assets and local industrial areas, and employs a multiregional supply-use model of the UK economy that traces the impacts of floods of different return intervals across37 subnational regions of the UK. The results show up to a300% increase in total economic losses when power outages are included in the risk assessment, compared to analysis that just includes the economic impacts of business interruption due to flooded business premises. This increase indicates that risk studies that do not include failure of critical infrastructures may be underestimating the total losses.
类型: 期刊论文
作者: Elco Koks,Raghav Pant,Scott Thacker,Jim W.Hall
来源: International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 2019年04期
年度: 2019
分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑,工程科技Ⅱ辑,经济与管理科学
专业: 水利水电工程,电力工业,企业经济
单位: Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford,Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
基金: funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Programme Grants EP,I01344X,1and EP,N017064,1
分类号: F275;TM75;TV87
页码: 421-438
总页数: 18
文件大小: 10701K
下载量: 25