Three different multiscale models, based on the method of cells(generalized and high fidelity) micromechanics models were developed and used to predict the elastic properties of C/C-SiC composites. In particular, the following multiscale modeling strategies were employed: Concurrent modeling of all phases using the generalized method of cells, synergistic(two-way coupling in space) multiscale modeling with the generalized method of cells, and hierarchical(one-way coupling in space) multiscale modeling with the high fidelity generalized method of cells. The three models are validated against data from a hierarchical multiscale finite element model in the literature for a repeating unit cell of C/C-SiC.Furthermore, the multiscale models are used in conjunction with classical lamination theory to predict the stiffness of C/C-SiC plates manufactured via a wet filament winding and liquid silicon infiltration process recently developed by the German Aerospace Institute. Finally, un-reacted Si(or free Si) and porosity in the C matrix are included in the multiscale model, and the effect of these new phases on the stiffness and local stresses are considered.
类型: 期刊论文
作者: Evan J.Pineda,Marek Fassin,Stefanie Reese,Jaan-Willem Simon
来源: Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019年12期
年度: 2019
分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑
专业: 材料科学
单位: NASA Glenn Research Center,Institute for Applied Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University
基金: NASA’s Transformational Tools and Technologies (TTT),the Theodore von Kármán Fellowship (GS069),the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for funding this work,the support of the Ministry of Innovation,Science,and Research of the state of North RhineWestphalia,provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the framework of CRC,Transregio 40 ‘Fundamental Technologies for the Development of Future Space-Transport-System Components under High Thermal and Mechanical Loads’ (TPD3)
分类号: TB33
页码: 2906-2918
总页数: 13
文件大小: 8775K
下载量: 3