The exploration of the influence of the network neighbor’s reward, the social pressure of the network, the profit loss rate of the betrayal, the pressure of the opponent’s public opinion, the type of the game on the network cooperative behavior of "the Belt and Road" through the network game model is of great significance. The method of simulation examined the game model of the network cooperation of "the Belt and Road", obtained the conclusion that reward of the network neighbor, the social pressure of the network, the betting loss rate has a positive effect on the cooperative behavior of the country of "the Belt and Road", and the opponent’s public opinion pressure has a negative impact on cooperation. Finally, the relationship between the game type and the cooperative behavior of the node was discussed.
类型: 国际会议
作者: Changping Zhao,Yecheng Wang,Xiangshun Jin,Jianhua Qi,Houming Fan
来源: 2019 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Numerical Techniques(SMONT 2019) 2019-02-27
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,经济与管理科学
专业: 数学,数学,经济体制改革
单位: School of Maritime Economics and Management,DMU,Zhuhai Campus of Zunyi Medical University,Institute of Strategic Management and System Planning,DMU
分类号: F125;O157.5;O225
页码: 18-21
总页数: 4
文件大小: 963k
下载量: 4