
Dynamically tunable optical properties in graphene-based plasmon-induced transparency metamaterials


A graphene-based metamaterial for THz plasmon induced transparency(PIT) is presented and numerically studied in this paper, which consists of two horizontal graphene strips attached to a continuous vertical wire separately. The calculated surface current distributions demonstrate that the distinct PIT window results from the near-field coupling of two bright modes. To explore the physical mechanism of PIT effect, we employ the coupled Lorentz oscillator model. The transmission spectra obtained with this model fits well with the simulation results. The performance of the PIT system can be controlled through the geometry parameters of graphene strips. Moreover, the transparency window can be dynamically tuned by varying the Fermi energy and the carrier mobility of the graphene strips. The slow light effect is also explored in our proposed structure and it can achieve 1.25 ps when Fermi energy is 1.3 eV. Finally, the position of the transmission window with the variation of the nearby medium refractive index is examined. Such a proposed graphene-based PIT system may have great potential applications in photonic devices.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: 贾微,任佩雯,田雨宸,范春珍

来源: Chinese Physics B 2019年02期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 材料科学

单位: School of Physical Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University

基金: Project supported by the Key Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province,China(Grant Nos.162102210164 and 1721023100107),the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Educational Committee,China(Grant No.17A140002)

分类号: TB34

页码: 363-368

总页数: 6

文件大小: 509K

下载量: 36

