
Ion current rectification: from nanoscale to microscale


Ion current rectification(ICR) is an electrodynamic phenomenon in electrolyte solution which is defined as the asymmetric potential-dependent ion flux through a confined environment, giving rise to asymmetric electrical current-voltage characteristics induced by the influence of an asymmetric electrical double layer structure. Since the discovery of the ICR phenomenon, the observation and application of ICR at nanoscale and microscale have been widely investigated experimentally and theoretically.Here, the recent progress of ICR from nanoscale to microscale is systematically reviewed. Nano/micropore structures of different materials, shapes and pore sizes are first discussed. Then, the factors influencing ICRs by thermodynamically or kinetically regulating the electrical double layer structure are introduced. Moreover, theoretical models are presented to explain the mechanism of ICRs. Based on the understanding of this phenomenon, the applications, especially in biosensors, are discussed.Finally, future developments of this area are briefly presented. This review covers the representative related literature published since 2010 and is intended to give a systematic introduction to this area.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 ICR observation
  •   2.1 Nanoscale ICRs
  •   2.2 Microscale ICRs
  • 3 Main factors for ICRs
  •   3.1 Geometry
  •   3.2 Electrolyte concentration
  •   3.3 Surface charge
  •   3.4 Convective flow
  •   3.5 Scan rate
  • 4 Mechanism models for ICRs
  •   4.1 Theoretical models for nanoscale ICRs
  •   4.2 Theoretical models for MICRs
  •   4.3 Quantitative description of ICRs
  • 5 Applications of ICRs
  •   5.1 Biosensors based on nanoscale ICRs
  •   5.2 Biosensors based on MICRs
  • 6 Summary and perspectives
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Tianyi Xiong,Kailin Zhang,Yanan Jiang,Ping Yu,Lanqun Mao

    来源: Science China(Chemistry) 2019年10期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 化学

    单位: Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences,Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Living Biosystems,Institute of Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    基金: supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21775151,21790053,21475138 for P.Y.,21790390,21790391,21435007,21621062 for L.M.),the National Basic Research Program of China (2016YFA0200104),the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB30000000),the Chinese Academy of Sciences (QYZDJSSW-SLH030)

    分类号: O646.1

    页码: 1346-1359

    总页数: 14

    文件大小: 835K

    下载量: 12

