


本研究关注了桑给巴尔海岸带综合管理(ICZM)实施所面临的挑战,通过查阅相关文件,结合问卷调查和关键访谈收集数据,利用Microsoft Excel 2016对采集到的数据展开定量分析。研究显示,桑给巴尔沿海地区对这一岛屿国家的经济具有显著的带动作用,这是由于桑给巴尔沿海地区具有丰富的自然资源和适宜发展的区位优势,全国一半以上的人口居住在沿海或靠近沿海的地区。而这些地区主要依赖于传统的捕鱼、红树林采伐(建材生产、木炭制作)、石灰和绳索制作等活动来维系当地居民的基本生活。经过本研究的调查,目前制约桑给巴尔沿海地区发展的突出问题表现在:海洋及沿海资源监测不利、青年就业机会减少、社会普遍贫困、政府财政匮乏、信息流动滞涩、政府机构执法不力,空间规划缺失。这一系列问题的解决需要海岸带综合管理(ICZM)的助力。为了实现桑给巴尔海岸带综合管理(ICZM)并持续维持其有效性,必须引入利益攸关方的概念,让沿海地区不同利益诉求方参与到决策过程中来,此外还需要进一步凝聚国内各类组织的力量、整合国家法律框架与政策方向、吸纳更多专业人员意见、并且进一步推进有效的公共教育。为了使海岸带综合管理(ICZM)的得以顺利推进,政府能力建设、公众意识提升、国家财政倾斜、专项发展援助计划、廉政制度保障、环境协作数据库中心建设、职业技能培训、地区协作网络建设等一系列具体举措需要共同推进,使得各个利益攸关方可以参与到海岸带综合管理(ICZM)的设计规划阶段以及操作实施阶段,共同应对桑给巴尔海岸带地区发展所面临的挑战。


  • Abbreviations
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
  • Chapter 1 Introduction and background of the study
  •   1.1 Introduction
  •   1.2 Background of The Study
  •   1.3 Statement of Problem
  •   1.4 Research Objective
  •     1.4.1 General Objective
  •     1.4.2 Specific Objectives
  •   1.5 Research Questions
  •   1.6 Significance of The Study
  •   1.7 Research Structure
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review
  •   2.1 ICZM Concept and Evolution
  •     2.1.1 ICZM Concept
  •     2.1.2 ICZM Evolution
  •   2.2 ICZM Terms definition
  •     2.2.1 Integration
  •     2.2.2 Coastal Area
  •     2.2.3 Integrated Management
  •   2.3 ICZM Definitions
  •   2.4 ICZM Characteristics
  •   2.5 ICZM Goal
  •   2.6 ICZM Benefits
  •   2.7 Outcomes of Active ICZM
  •   2.8 ICZM Guidelines
  •   2.9 Elements Involve in ICZM
  •   2.10 ICZM Cycle
  •   2.11 ICZM at Global Level
  •   2.12 Positive ICZM Project of Xiamen, China
  •   2.13 ICZM in African Perspective
  •     2.13.1 The Abidjan Convention
  •     2.13.2 The Nairobi Convention
  • Chapter 3 Material and Methods
  •   3.1 Research Methodology
  •   3.2 Study Area Selection and Criteria
  •   3.3 Description of The Study Area
  •     3.3.1 Location
  •     3.3.2 Geology and Hydrography
  •     3.3.3 Climate
  •     3.3.4 Population Size
  •     3.3.5 Economic Activities
  •     3.3.6 Target Population
  •   3.4 Research Design
  •     3.4.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample size
  • Sampling Procedure
  • Sample size
  •   3.5 Data collection Methods
  •     3.5.1 Secondary Data
  • Literature Review
  •     3.5.2 Primary Data
  • Key Informant Interviews
  • Structured Interviews
  •   3.6 Data Analysis
  •     3.6.1 Analysis of Qualitative Data
  •   3.7 Reliability and Validity
  •     3.7.1 Reliability
  •     3.7.2 Validity
  •   3.8 Research Ethics
  • Chapter 4 Data analysis and Interpritation
  •   4.1 Introduction
  •   4.2 Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
  •     4.2.1 Gender of Respondents
  •     4.2.2 Age of respondents
  •     4.2.3 Education of Respondents
  •   4.3 Research Findings in Respect to Research Objectives
  •     4.3.1 Sector of Respondents
  •     4.3.2 Professional of Respondents
  •     4.3.3 Status of Members in the Committee Amongst the Respondents
  •     4.3.4 Distribution of Respondents Based on the Committee
  •     4.3.5 The Period Served on the Committee for Respondents
  •     4.3.6 Role of Respondents within Committee
  •     4.3.7 Difficulty of Tasks for Respondents
  •     4.3.8 Type of Difficultles in Performing Tasks
  •   4.4 Legal Documents and Institutional Arrangement
  •     4.4.1 Awareness of Respondents on Legal Documents Governing the iCZM
  •     4.4.2 Official Legal Documents Involved in Governing ICZM
  •     4.4.3 Linkage of Legal Documents and Institutional in The Implement of ICZM
  • Arrangement of Institutional and Legal Documents
  • Information Management and Sharing
  • Awareness, Education and Training
  • Activity Relating to Policy Implementation
  • Monitoring, Controlling and Surveillance
  • Coastal Planning and Development
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Facilitation of ICZM Operations
  • Climate Change and Dynamic Coastal zones
  • Coastal and Marine Based Sources of Pollution
  •   4.5 Challenges Facing Implementation of TC7M
  •     4.5.1 Lack of Policy
  •     4.5.2 Insufficient Participation of Stakeholders
  • Lack of Institutional Callaborative
  • Low Level of Community Invoivement or Participation
  • Lack of Dialogue Between Different Level of Stakeholders
  • Zanzibar ICZM Steering Committee
  • Zanzibar ICZM Unit (Secretariat)
  • Zanzibar Technical Committee on ICZM
  • Zanzibar District Committee on ICZM
  • Community Groups (CSOs)
  • Inadequate Collaboration Among the Government Sectors
  •     4.5.3 Lack of Accountability
  •     4.5.4 Inadequate Financial support
  •     4.5.5 Inappropriate Flow of Information
  •     4.5.6 Unsatisfactory Public Education and Awareness
  •     4.5.7 Limited Technical Capacities
  •     4.5.8 Inadequate Monitoring and Evaluation
  •     4.5.9 Weak Enforcement
  •     4.5.10 Shortage of Job Opportunity and Low Investment
  •     4.5.11 Poverty
  •     4.5.12 Low Capacity of Monitoring, Controlling and Surveillance
  •     4.5.13 Lack of Spatial Planning
  •   4.6 Measures to be Taken to Overcome the Existing ICZM Challenges
  •     4.6.1 Policy Measures
  •     4.6.2 Institutional, Legal Development, Information, Training and Project Implementation Measures
  •     4.6.3 Measures about Spatial Planning
  •   4.7 SWOT Analysis of Zanzibar Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  •     4.7.1 Strengths of Zanzibar ICZM
  • Establishment of ICZM documents
  • EstaUishment of ICZM Structure, Institutional Framework and Responsibilities
  • Establishments of ICZM Pilot Areas
  • ICZM Capacity Development Workshops
  • Biodiversity Conservations
  • Terrestrial Biodiversity
  • Marine Biodiversity
  •     4.7.2 Weaknesses of Zanzibar ICZM
  • Insufficient Number of Professional and Practitioners
  • National ICZM Strategies and Plan Encounter Some Shortcomings
  • How to Use their Knowledge (Skills)
  • Lack of Information and Data
  •     4.7.3 Opportunities of Zanzibar ICZM
  • Economic Growth to Improve the Value of Community Life
  • Other Opportunities
  • Environmentally Appropriate Development
  • Other Opportunities
  • Equitable Development
  •     4.7.4 Threats for Zanzibar ICZM
  • Loss of Biodiversity
  • Coastal Degradation and Erosion
  • Unplanned Construction and Invasion of Areas Close to the Beach
  • Pollution of Water Catchment Areas and Waste Disposal
  •   4.8 Recommendations
  • Chapter 5 Conclusion
  •   5.1 Conclusion
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Appendices
  • 文章来源

    类型: 硕士论文

    作者: Nassor Rashid Maalim

    导师: 薛雄志

    关键词: 沿海地区,海岸带综合管理,挑战,措施,桑给巴尔

    来源: 厦门大学

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学

    专业: 海洋学

    单位: 厦门大学

    分类号: P748

    总页数: 136

    文件大小: 8965K

    下载量: 12


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