Consensus of Vehicle Platoon with the Hidden Layer Against Stochastic Noise

Consensus of Vehicle Platoon with the Hidden Layer Against Stochastic Noise


This paper concerns the consensus of the second order vehicle platoon system in presence of stochastic noise. The control protocol is designed to achieve the desired control objective under the predecessor-follower topology. The control objectives include: speeds of all vehicles in the platoon reach the consensus and the spacings between adjacent vehicles approach to be identical. Firstly, the necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained to reach consensus in the noise-free case. Then, the stochastic consensus of the platoon with the hidden layer is analyzed by using the knowledge of stochastic differential equation(SDE). The conditions of control parameters are derived to ensure the almost sure exponential consensus of the platoon. Finally,simulation experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed results.



类型: 国际会议

作者: Ziyuan Li,Yonggui Liu

来源: 第三十八届中国控制会议 2019-07-27

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑,信息科技

专业: 数学,公路与水路运输,汽车工业,计算机软件及计算机应用

单位: the Key Laboratory of Autonomous Systems and Network Control, Ministry of Education, School of Automatic Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology

分类号: U495;U463.6;O211.63

页码: 447-452

总页数: 6

文件大小: 3127k

下载量: 8


Consensus of Vehicle Platoon with the Hidden Layer Against Stochastic Noise
