Blending contributes to create an opportunity to achieve the target feed material and helps optimize the run of mine(ROM) material. In addition, it allows mixing different materials and achieving a wide range of quality. Then, multiple destinations can be considered for ROM. The present study seeks to develop a Mixed Integer Programming(MIP) model for the production scheduling of an iron ore mine. Based on this model, different destinations are considered for mine products with different specifications. To this aim,ten scenarios were considered with a number of different destinations. The results indicated that the maximum NPV in the multiple product scenarios is about 15% more than that of the single product scenarios. Further, 30 realizations were used to evaluate the effect of grade and tonnage uncertainty. The reliability of the production plan was approximately 61.07% and 62.81% in the first and second period of exploitation, respectively.
类型: 期刊论文
作者: Mohsen Jamshidi,Morteza Osanloo
来源: International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 2019年03期
年度: 2019
分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑
专业: 矿业工程
单位: Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
分类号: TD80
页码: 483-489
总页数: 7
文件大小: 296K
下载量: 7
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