Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Magneto-Biphase Williamson Fluid Flow with Time Dependent Magnetic Field

Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Magneto-Biphase Williamson Fluid Flow with Time Dependent Magnetic Field


Numerical investigation of the dusty Williamson fluid with the dependency of time has been done in current disquisition. The flow of multiphase liquid/particle suspension saturating the medium is caused by stretching of porous surface. The influence of magnetic field and heat generation/absorption is observed. It is assumed that particle has a spherical shape and distributed uniformly in fluid matrix. The unsteady two-dimensional problems are modeled for both fluid and particle phase using conservation of mass, momentum and heat transfer. The finalized model generates the non-dimensioned parameters, namely Weissenberg number, unsteadiness parameter, magnetic parameter,heat generation/absorption parameter, Prandtl number, fluid particle interaction parameter, and mass concentration parameters. The numerical solution is obtained. Locality of skin friction and Nusselt number is deliberately focused to help of tables and graphs. While inferencing the current article it is clearly observed that increment of Williamson parameter, unsteadiness parameter, magnetic parameter, volume fraction parameter, and mass concentration parameter reduces the velocity profile of fluid and solid particles as well. And increment of Prandtl number, unsteadiness parameter,volume fraction parameter, and mass concentration parameter reduces the temperature profile of fluid and solid particles as well.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Mathematical Formulation
  • 3 Local Skin Friction and Nusselt Number
  • 4 Method of Solution
  • 5 Results and Discussions
  • 6 Concluding Remarks
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Madiha Bibi,M.Y.Malik,A.Zeeshan

    来源: Communications in Theoretical Physics 2019年02期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学

    专业: 力学

    单位: Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, P.O.Box King Khalid University,Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam University,Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, International Islamic University

    分类号: O359

    页码: 143-151

    总页数: 9

    文件大小: 1177K

    下载量: 9


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    Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Magneto-Biphase Williamson Fluid Flow with Time Dependent Magnetic Field
