Parabrachial prodynorphin neurons negatively regulate BAT thermogenesis to promote heat loss

Parabrachial prodynorphin neurons negatively regulate BAT thermogenesis to promote heat loss


<正>Afferent temperature signals to hypothalamic centers represent a key layer of thermal and energy homeostasis.However,the mechanism by which these signals are transmitted into the hypothalamus remains poorly understood.By functional manipulations,we find that the lateral parabrachial (LPB)glutamatergic projections to the preoptic area are required for heat loss by coordinately inhibiting



类型: 国内会议

作者: 杨文,Xiaosa Du,Wen Zhang,Hengchang Xie,Yan Xiao,Jiashu Liu,Xiaoning Jia,Jianhui Xu,Xin Fu,Xinyan Ni,Weizhe Hong,Miao He,Jiajun Yang,Haitao Yang,Xiao-hong Xu,Wei L.Shen

来源: 第三届中国生物物理学会代谢生物学分会学术研讨会 2019-05-10

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学

专业: 生物学

单位: 上海科技大学,School of Life Science and Technology and Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies,Shanghaitech University

分类号: Q42

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.051081

页码: 129+64

总页数: 2

文件大小: 69k

下载量: 1


Parabrachial prodynorphin neurons negatively regulate BAT thermogenesis to promote heat loss
