翟东堂[7](2001)在《论民事证据证明力》一文中研究指出The probative of civil evidence force is the life of civil evidence. A Study of it notonly helps improve the perfectness of civil evidence system, but also contributes to therational construction of civil evidence system and certain substantive law systems relat-ed. Based on elementary theories of the probative force of evidence, this paper probesinto the problems existing in Chinese the probative of civil evidence system by examin-ing the probative force of civil evidence in different evidence systems from a historicalpoint of view and comparing the probative force of different kinds of civil evidence andputs forward suggestion for the reconstruction of the probative force system in our cou-ntry. This Paper consists of seven parts.Part Ⅰ: Introductory remarks. The probative force of civil evidence is inducedfrom the importance of civil evidence in modern civil action. The system of the proba-tive force of civil evidence is the core of the civil evidence system. Lack of study on theprobative force of civil evidence in our country's academic field in the past resulted inuncompleteness in legislation. Defects among legislation and related systems cause dif-ferent kinds of problems among judicial practice. Problems of the probative force of civilevidence should be studied eagerly in theory during the course of legislation and thepractice of judiciary. Those problems are rasied to be discussed in this part.Part Ⅱ: Basic theory of the probative force of civil evidence. This part defines theconception of the probative force of civil evidence, introduces views on the conceptionof the probative force of civil evidence in China, and puts forward the author's view inaccordance with the standard of defined conceptions and features of the probative forceof evidence.This part probes into the relation between the probative force of evidenceand the probative force of evidence,introduces some points on the relation between theprobative force of evidence and evidence credibility,and points out the shortcomingsexisting in different views. This part sums up the classification and features of the pro-bative force of civil evidence, which can be divided into different classifications accord-ing to different standards.The the probative force of civil evidence has three charcteris-ties, such as objective content, subjective form and changeable role.IJal-t IIl. Con1Parison and analysis of the probative fOrce of evidence in diffel.el1t ev-idellce systen1s. 'I'his Paper probes into the cl1aracteristics of the Probative force of evi-dellce in different evidence systems, such as system of divinty evidence, system of legalex'l,lcllce al1d systen1 of discretional evaluation of evidence. This paPer aIso anaIyses tl1eadvantage aIld disadvantage of evidence credibility in different evidence systen1sl I lll )l ll4Il (,()lllI);ll.is()ll. "l.llc l)r()l)flt ive f()l.cc of civil cvidcllce ull'lcr t Ilc systcI11 ()f LIivilltyevi'lcllce are ad judicated in line with evidence credibility showed by the will of G()d,whicll was born under the historic background of accusatory action, backward scientificcul1ure, uncomplete law enforcement agency, the political requirement of the rulingclilss. I)oubtlessly, the system of divinty evidence has hitoric advancement, but historicdefects also exist definitely among the system of divinty evidence. The probative fOrceof civil evidence under the system of legal evidence is stipulated by laws in advance,whicll are often divided into different grade. The effectiveness of civil evidence credibili-[y Llcl)ends on the form of evide11ce, not on the conent. For intance, exacting a confes-sio n by torture is used as a method to gain the strongest probative force of civil evi-'le11ce. ComPared with the system of divinty evidence, the system of legal evidence hashitoric advancement and historic defects. The probative force of civil evidence underthe systeln of discretional evalu(本文来源于《河南大学》期刊2001-05-01)