王枢,褚良银,陈文梅,李艳,王广金[1](2004)在《界面聚合表面改性法制备高效抗污染油水分离复合膜》一文中研究指出A fouling-resistant ceramic-supported polymer composite membrane was developed for removal of oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsions. The composite membrane was featured with an asymmetric three-layer structure,i.e. ,a porous ceramic membrane substrate,a polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration sub-layer,and a polyamide/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite thin top-layer.The PES polymer was cast onto the tubular porous ceramic membrane with the sol-gel method,and the polyamide/PVA composite thin top-layer was fabricated with the interfacial polymerization method. The prepared composite membrane showed good performance for treating the O/W microemulsions with a mean diameter of 2.4 μm. At the operating pressure of 0.4 MPa,the hydraulic permeability remained steady at about 280 L·m -2 ·h -1 after a period of operation,the oil concentration in the filtrate was always less than 1.15 mg·L -1 ,and the oil rejection coefficient was higher than 99.1% from the beginning of the operation.(本文来源于《化工学报》期刊2004年04期)