Analysis of profit models for cross-border power interconnection projects

Analysis of profit models for cross-border power interconnection projects


With the increasing demand worldwide for power grid interconnection, a growing number of related projects are under planning or construction. Despite the rapid growth of cross-border interconnection projects, the systematic research on profit models for these projects is insufficient. This paper first analyzes the profit sources of interconnection projects. Based on the analysis results, profit models are considered under different regulatory systems for three types of crossborder interconnection projects: fully market-oriented, semi-marketization, and fully supervised. Finally, measures for increasing the profitability and sustainable development of power interconnection projects are proposed.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Revenue and cost of cross-border power interconnection projects
  •   2.1 Revenue
  •     2.1.1 Revenue from physical transmission rights
  •     2.1.2 Revenue from financial transmission rights
  •     2.1.3 Revenue from fixed tariffs
  •     2.1.4 Other revenue
  •   2.2 Costs
  • 3 Profit model for cross-border power interconnection projects under different regulatory systems
  •   3.1 Profit model for fully market-oriented projects
  •   3.2 Profit model for fully supervised projects
  •   3.3 Profit model for semi-marketization projects
  • 4 Development proposals for cross-border interconnection projects in the context of Global Energy Interconnection
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Jing Li,Guowei Gao,Li Ma,Tian Zhao,Haoyuan Qu,Fu Chen

    来源: Global Energy Interconnection 2019年05期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,经济与管理科学

    专业: 电力工业,经济体制改革,工业经济,会计

    单位: State Grid Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd

    基金: supported by the State Grid Corporation of China’s Science & Technology Project “Risk Identification and Countermeasures of SGCC in the Transition Period of Power Sector Reform.”

    分类号: F416.61;F125;F406.7

    DOI: 10.14171/j.2096-5117.gei.2019.05.011

    页码: 458-465

    总页数: 8

    文件大小: 877K

    下载量: 53


    Analysis of profit models for cross-border power interconnection projects
