Despite the ever-evolving technological advancements in mass spectrometry, the task to "translate" the large volume of mass spectral information collected by metabolomics to chemical structures remains challenging due to the limited metabolite entries in prevalent databases. Herein, we developed a metabolic pathway extension approach(MPEA)to fast and reliable identification of new biomarkers that are not included in databases. This approach was proposed based on a core concept that the whole metabolome is built from a limited number of initial metabolites via various kinds and multiple steps of metabolic reactions, and thus, theoretically, the whole metabolome can be mapped from the initial metabolites and metabolic reactions. Carnitine was used as an example of initial metabolites. We found 93 out of 97 plasma metabolites that showed significant abundance changes in response to the intragastric administration of carnitine in mice can be putatively identified by the MPE approach, whereas only half of them can be traced from the currently available online database. In order to further unveil their functions, we developed a ubiquitously applicable chemical proteomics approach, and demonstrated its promise in target identification for small molecules including drugs and endogenous metabolites from complex matrices on a proteome-wide scale. By applying this approach to delineate target proteome atlas of endogenous metabolites in cancer cells, we revealed an intricate metabolite-proteome network, which casts new light on a deeper understanding of the unknown biological roles for functional metabolites.
类型: 国内会议
作者: 郝海平
来源: 中国化学会第二十届全国有机分析及生物分析学术研讨会 2019-11-22
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学
专业: 生物学
单位: 中国药科大学
分类号: Q503
DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.078799
页码: 36+35
总页数: 2
文件大小: 772k