黄音,刘飞鹏,周天鸿,朱嘉明[1](2001)在《蛙皮素-蜂毒素杂合肽基因在大肠杆菌中的克隆与诱导表达》一文中研究指出A hybrid peptide gene was designed and synthesized. Its encoding peptide is constructed from residues 3~14 of magainin and residues 1~13 of melittin. The MA E gene was cloned into plasmids pUC18 and pBV220. By DNA sequencing, the whole sequences of this gene is confirmed to be correct. The recombinant plasmid pBMA|E was expressed in %E.coli% DH5α. A gene product band can be seen with Tricine|SDS|PAGE. The MA E hybrid peptide was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Bioactivity assay was carried out in liquid turbidity method. The bactericide value to %E.coli% K 12 D 31 is 0.182.(本文来源于《生物工程学报》期刊2001年02期)