This Paper First Analyzes the Influence of Big Data Technology on Axiology from Three Aspects: Enhancing Value Expressiveness, Enhancing Value Universality and Enhancing Value Predictability; Then, Combining the Two Aspects of Enriching the Research Approaches of Philosophy of Science and Optimizing the Research Quality of Philosophy of Science, the Paper Studies the Influence of Big Data Technology on Philosophy of Science.
类型: 国际会议
作者: Zhao Meng
来源: 2019 7th International Education,Economics,Social Science,Arts,Sports and Management Engineering Conference(IEESASM 2019) 2019-12-20
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,哲学与人文科学,信息科技
专业: 自然科学理论与方法,哲学,计算机软件及计算机应用
单位: Wuhan Huaxia University of Technology
分类号: TP311.13;N02
DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.041474
页码: 801-803
总页数: 3
文件大小: 695k
下载量: 8