Dadu River Runoff Forecasting via Seq2Seq

Dadu River Runoff Forecasting via Seq2Seq


Precise runoff forecasting is playing a very important role in flood control and economics dispatch control for hydroplant.This paper investigates the accuracy of standard long short-term memory neural network and sequence to sequence(seq2seq) in prediction of hourly,daily runoff.This paper is divided into five sections;the main contents are as follows:The first section mainly introduces the research status of some machine learning algorithms in runoff forecasting.Section 2 describes the basic principles of Long short-term machine.In the third section,the establishment process of runoff forecasting model is introduced.The basic principle of Sequence to Sequence and the design of seq2seq model in this paper are mainly introduced.The fourth section introduces the actual forecasting effect of applying Sequence to Sequence to Danba hydrological station in the upper reaches of Dadu River.Compared with the ordinary forecasting model,it proves that Sequence to Sequence has better forecasting accuracy and has certain practical application value.The fifth section gives a conclusion of this paper and puts forward the next work plan.



类型: 国际会议

作者: Jian Xu,Wei Luo,Ying Huang

来源: The 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science(AICS 2019) 2019-07-12

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑,信息科技

专业: 地球物理学,水利水电工程,自动化技术

单位: Dadu River Hydropower Development CO.,LTD.

分类号: P338;TP18

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.048583

页码: 513-517

总页数: 5

文件大小: 462k

下载量: 1


Dadu River Runoff Forecasting via Seq2Seq
