The role of land use on the local climate and air quality during calm inter-monsoon in a tropical city

The role of land use on the local climate and air quality during calm inter-monsoon in a tropical city


The modification of land use is known to be a major climate change driver to the local warming and air quality in cities. Despite the reduction of NOx over the years, the Selangor state has captured a higher level of O3 in year 2011. The measurement result has shown that the surge in O3 level was attributed to the reduction of NOx/NMHC ratio. This paper hence attempted to identify the role of land use change from 1999 to 2011 on the ground ozone air quality in the tropical urban conurbation, Greater Kuala Lumpur(GKL), Selangor, Malaysia. With the state-of-the-art chemical weather prediction tool, WRFChem, the external synoptic factors and emission inventory were controlled when comparing the chronological land use changes. The results showed that the urban-induced temperature and wind bias in the tropical region has induced stronger wind to disperse the NOx and carries the TVOC from the suburban to the downwind urban region. The reduction of NOx/TVOC has gradually shifted towards the optimum O3 formation regime in 2011. The formation of highly concentrated ozone becomes more sensitive to the increment of TVOC as the NOx level reduces in the urban. This highlights the essential involvement of TVOC in the ozone formation in lieu of the NOx reduction in the tropical city, a region with growing emitter of reactive biogenic ozone precursors.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: M.C.G.Ooi,A.Chan,M.J.Ashfold,M.Y.Oozeer,K.I.Morris,S.S.K.Kong

来源: Geoscience Frontiers 2019年02期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅰ辑,经济与管理科学

专业: 环境科学与资源利用,农业经济

单位: Department of Atmospheric Science,“Central University”,Department of Civil Engineering,University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus,School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences,University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus,Department of Geography and Environmental Management,University of Waterloo

基金: the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) of Malaysia for providing financial support for this research work,partly sponsored under contract No. 06-02-12-SF0346,University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus for awarding a research scholarship

分类号: X51;F301.24

页码: 405-415

总页数: 11

文件大小: 2552K

下载量: 18


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The role of land use on the local climate and air quality during calm inter-monsoon in a tropical city
