


Quantitative characterization of environmental characteristics of cropland(ECC)plays an important role in maintaining sustainable development of agricultural systems and ensuring regional food security. In this study, the changes in ECC over the Songnen Plain, a major grain crops production region in Northeast China, were investigated for the period 1990–2015. The results revealed significant changes in climate conditions, soil physical properties and cropland use patterns with socioeconomic activities. Trends in climate parameters showed increasing temperature(+0.49°C/decade, p < 0.05) and decreasing wind speed(–0.3 m/s/decade, p < 0.01) for the growing season, while sunshine hours and precipitation exhibited non-significant trends. Four topsoil parameters including soil organic carbon(SOC), clay, bulk density and pH, indicated deteriorating soil conditions across most of the croplands, although some do exhibited slight improvement. The changing amplitude for each of the four above parameters ranged within –0.052 to 0.029 kg C/kg, –0.38 to 0.30,–0.60 to 0.39 g/cm3, –3.29 to 2.34, respectively. Crop production significantly increased(44.0 million tons) with increasing sown area of croplands(~2.5 million ha) and fertilizer application(~2.5 million tons). The study reveals the dynamics of ECC in the Songnen Plain with intensive cultivation from 1990 to 2015. Population growth, economic development, and policy reform are shown to strongly influence the spatiotemporal changes in cropland characteristics.The study potentially provides valuable scientific information to support sustainable agroecosystem management in the context of global climate change and national socioeconomic development.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Data and methods
  •   2.1 Study area
  •   2.2 Climate data
  •   2.3 Soil data
  •   2.4 Land use types and cropping information
  • 3 Results
  •   3.1 Changes in climatic conditions of croplands
  •   3.2 Changes in cropland soil conditions
  •   3.3 Changes in cropland use
  • 4 Discussion
  •   4.1 Effects of changing climate on croplands
  •   4.2 Variability in soil properties
  •   4.3 Cropland use changes with socioeconomic development and policy reform
  •     4.3.1 Impacts and effects of policy reform on croplands
  •     4.3.2 Outlook of cropland uses under future socioeconomic development
  • 5 Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: 张远,臧淑英,孙丽,阎炳和,杨天鹏,闫文佳,MEADOWS E Michael,WANG Cuizhen,QI Jiaguo

    来源: Journal of Geographical Sciences 2019年05期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅰ辑,农业科技

    专业: 环境科学与资源利用,农业基础科学

    单位: Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University,Institute of Eco-Chongming, East China Normal University,Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Monitoring of Geographic Environment, College of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin Normal University,Department of Environmental & Geographical Science, University of Cape Town,Department of Geography, University of South Carolina,Center for Global Change and Earth Observations and Department of Geography, Michigan State University

    基金: National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41571410,No.41571199,No.41401589

    分类号: S181

    页码: 658-674

    总页数: 17

    文件大小: 8074K

    下载量: 174


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