摘要ABSTRACTChapter1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Methodology 1.4 LayoutChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Water infiltration process in unsaturated soils 2.1.1 Conceptual models 2.1.2 Analytical analysis 2.1.3 Numerical analysis 2.1.4 Laboratory column test 2.1.5 Field investigation 2.2 Stability analysis of wetting-induced loess landslides 2.2.1 Suction decrease of unsaturated loess due to wetting 2.2.2 Suction loss of loess due to rise of GWT 2.2.3 Slide-to-flow transformation due to local failures 2.2.4 Static liquefaction 2.3 Wetting-induced collapse behavior of loess 2.3.1 Typical characteristics of collapse behavior 2.3.2 Evolution of soil structure under drying, wetting and loading 2.3.3 Understanding the collapse behavior within the elastic-plastic frameworkChapter 3 Water percolation in the unsaturated loess layer considering theground-atmosphere interaction 3.1 Site description 3.2 Instrumentation system 3.2.1 Atmosphere monitoring 3.2.2 Underground monitoring 3.3 Results and discussion 3.3.1 Variation of atmospheric factors with respect to time 3.3.2 Variation of soil temperature with respect to time 3.3.3 Variation of soil water content with respect to time 3.4 Numerical study of the water percolation considering the ground-atmosp here interaction 3.4.1 Model establishment 3.4.2 Soil properties 3.4.3 Initial conditions 3.4.4 Boundary conditions 3.4.5 Numerical simulation results 3.5 Discussion 3.6 Summary and conclusionsChapter 4 Water flow in unsaturated soil subjected to multiple infiltration events 4.1 Laboratory tests 4.1.1 Material properties 4.1.2 Laboratory column test 4.1.3 SWCC and permeability test 4.2 Laboratory results 4.3 Numerical simulation of the column test 4.3.1 Numerical model 4.3.2 Simulation results 4.4 Discussion 4.4.1 Qualitative analysis of water flow in the unsaturated soil during wetting 4.4.2 Quantitative analysis of water flow in unsaturated soils 4.4.3 Suction profile in the unsaturated zone 4.4.4 Relationship between water infiltration and landslides 4.5 Summary and conclusionsChapter 5 Water flow characteristics associated with years of irrigation activities and itsinfluence on slope stability in Heifangtai 5.0 Study site 5.1 Laboratory test 5.2 Numerical analysis of the loess slope 5.2.1 Model slope establishment 5.2.2 Soil properties 5.2.3 Initial conditions 5.2.4 Boundary conditions 5.3 Numerical Simulation Results 5.3.1 PWP profile variation 5.3.2 Variation of Fs 5.4 Discussion 5.4.1 Factors that influence the hydraulic equilibrium 5.4.2 Slope stability characteristics 5.5 Summary and conclusionsChapter 6 Wetting induced collapse behavior associated with the infiltration process in Heifantai 6.1 A method of predicting collapse behavior with respect to time 6.2 Laboratory test and results 6.2.1 Laboratory test 6.2.2 Test results 6.3 Validation of the proposed model using a field infiltration test 6.3.1 Calculation process 6.3.2 Comparison between the predicted and measured results 6.4 Irrigation-induced collapse behavior with respect to time in Heifangtai 6.4.1 Numerical model 6.4.2 Water infiltration process associated with years of irrigation activities 6.4.3 Collapse deformation with respect to time 6.5 Discussion 6.6 Summary and conclusionsChapter 7 Influence of microstructure on the soil water characteristic curve of compacted loess 7.1 Background 7.2 Laboratory test 7.2.1 Soil type and sample preparation 7.2.2 Filter paper measurements 7.2.3 Microstructure observations 7.3 Results and interpretation 7.3.1 Soil water retention characteristics 7.3.2 Microstructure investigation and interpretation 7.3.3 Effect of soil structure on water retention characteristics 7.4 Discussion 7.4.1 The influence of compaction water content on the microstructure of a silt loess 7.4.2 The hysteresis of soil water retention behavior 7.4.3 Prediction of SWCC using the PSD 7.5 Summary and conclusionChapter 8 Summary and conclusions 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Conclusions 8.3 Suggestions for future researchREFERENCERELATED PUBLICATIONSACKNOWLEDGEMENT
类型: 博士论文
作者: 侯晓坤
导师: 李同录,Sai.K.Vanapalli
关键词: 非饱和和黄土,水分入渗,自然降雨,蒸发,灌溉,边坡稳定性,湿陷变形,微观结构,土水特征曲线
来源: 长安大学
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑
专业: 地质学,工业通用技术及设备
单位: 长安大学
分类号: P642.131
总页数: 232
文件大小: 7393K
下载量: 205
标签:非饱和和黄土论文; 水分入渗论文; 自然降雨论文; 蒸发论文; 灌溉论文; 边坡稳定性论文; 湿陷变形论文; 微观结构论文; 土水特征曲线论文;