




  • 摘要
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  •   1.1 Historical Background of Climate Change and its remedial approaches
  •   1.2 Significance of research and its key objectives
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review
  •   2.1 Current scenario of Climate Change occurrence in Pakistan
  •   2.2 Overview of GHG emissions across various prominent sectors
  •     2.2.1 GHG emissions through energy and power sector
  •     2.2.2 Industrial and manufacturing related GHG emissions
  •     2.2.3 GHG emissions generated from transport sector
  •     2.2.4 Urbanization and development based GHG emissions
  •     2.2.5 GHG emissions through agriculture & livestock related activities
  •     2.2.6 Emissions of GHG through waste and its improper management
  •     2.2.7 GHG discharges through Land use, changes & forestry (LUC&F)
  •   2.3 Societal and economic effects of climate change
  •     2.3.1 Effects of climate change on agriculture, livestock & forestry
  •     2.3.2 Changes in food and energy security caused by climate
  •     2.3.3 Societal variation attributed by climate change
  •     2.3.4 Effects of climate change on weather pattern
  •   2.4 Approaches and techniques of climate change Adaptation and mitigation
  •     2.4.1 Economical context of Adaptation & Mitigation
  •     2.4.2 CPEC related emissions and abatement propositions
  •     2.4.3 Development of carbon capture and sequestration
  • Chapter 3 Research methodology and approaches
  •   3.1 The area of research and its geographical location
  •   3.2 Methods and techniques of Data collection
  •   3.3 Provincial and divisional distribution of respondents
  •   3.4 Data analysis techniques and modeling
  • Chapter 4 Divisional disparities on climate change adaptation & mitigation in Punjab
  •   4.1 Climate change disparities and divisional gaps
  •   4.2 Local perceptions about sectorial effects and vulnerabilities
  •     4.2.1 Demographic profile of study sample
  •     4.2.2 Sectorial effect and intensity on climate
  •     4.2.3 Vulnerabilities and impacts of climate change
  •     4.2.4 Demographic judgment about sectorial impact on climate
  •     4.2.5 Academic judgment on sectorial impacts of climate change
  •     4.2.6 Age wise perspective on climate change impacts
  •   4.3 Awareness about climate change
  •     4.3.1 Changes of weather pattern over the years
  •     4.3.2 Have you ever studied environment
  •     4.3.3 Climate change importance in whole Punjab and its divisions
  •   4.4 Climate change measures
  •     4.4.1 Sectorial measures intensity of climate change
  •     4.4.2 Have you ever taken any action for climate change measure?
  •     4.4.3 Responsible bodies on taking Climate change measures
  •   4.5 Summary
  • Chapter 5 Regional and sectoral assessment on climate change inPakistan
  •   5.1 Assessment of climate change with regional and sectorial context
  •   5.2 Social norms and indigenous perceptions on climate change impacts
  •     5.2.1 Demographic profile of the study sample
  •     5.2.2 Factors contributing most to climate change
  •     5.2.3 Awareness about changes in weather pattern over the years
  •     5.2.4 Importance of climate change
  •     5.2.5 Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures
  •     5.2.6 Diverse impacts of climate change in Pakistan
  •   5.3 Summary
  • Chapter 6 Major Conclusions and innovation
  •   6.1 Regional and divisional disparities on climate change causes and effects
  •   6.2 Sectorial evaluation of climate change adaptation & mitigation measures
  •   6.3 Strategic policy suggestions on measures against climate change
  •   6.4 Innovations
  • References
  • Appendix
  •   List of figures
  •   List of tables
  • Acknowledgements
  • The applicant Profile
  •   1. Award during doctoral degree
  •   2. Research publications
  • 文章来源

    类型: 博士论文

    作者: Mudassar Hussain

    导师: 刘桂建

    关键词: 气候变化,适应,减轻,部门影响,温室气体排放

    来源: 中国科学技术大学

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学,社会科学Ⅰ辑

    专业: 气象学,中国政治与国际政治

    单位: 中国科学技术大学

    分类号: P467;D735.3

    总页数: 190

    文件大小: 13431K

    下载量: 100


    标签:;  ;  ;  ;  ;  

