
问:投稿杂志要求上传Ethical Statement,怎么写
- 答:Ethical Guidelines:
Please provide a statement describing any ethical guidelines under which your research was carried out. When ethics approval was not required, a simple statement that “Ethics approval was not required for this research.” is sufficient. This should be placed below the Acknowledgements section. Where appropriate, please state the approval from the relevant institutional mittee and/or how you dealt with the issues of protecting your subjects. - 答:伦理学声明,就是你交稿时需要提交的伦理学方面的声明,有时需要写伦理委员会的批准 Ethical Approval
例如,香港大学动物研究课题除了要申请动物实验许可(Approval)外,所有作动物实验的研究人员均须申请有效的作动物实验的执照(Animal licenses)。 - 答:伦理学声明,就是你交稿时需要提交的伦理学方枝散面的声明,有时需要写伦理委员会的批准 Ethical Approval
例如,香港大学动物研究课题除了要申请动物实验许可(Approval)外,所有作动棚搭含物实验的研究人员均须申请有效的作动物实验的执照(Animal licenses)。Ethical Guidelines:
Please provide a statement describing any ethical guidelines under which your research was carried out. When ethics approval was not required, a simple statement that “Ethics approval was not required for this research.” is sufficient. This should be placed below the Acknowledgements section. Where appropriate, please state the approval from the relevant institutional mittee and/or how you dealt with the issues of protecting your subjects.
- 答:如果你是第一次向扮态这个编辑部投稿,应该另写两篇材料:一是“自我介绍”,如过去写过那些稿件,在那些报刊上发表厅败源了什么文章,自巳擅长撰写那一方面的稿件等。二是“稿件介绍”枯则,你送的这篇稿子的写作目的和经过,是否可以删改,如果不采用退回到什么地方(邮编、住址、收件人姓名),必要时给编辑部留个电话号码以便联系。
问:期刊论文投稿时,coverring letters 怎么写
- 答:第一次投稿Cover letter:主衫兆要任务是介绍文章主滚笑要或备租创新以及声明没有一稿多投
Dear Editors:
We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.