<正>Three foreign scientists received the 2018 International Scientific Cooperation Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on Jan 17 for their contribution to China’s scientific development.The winners are Singaporean fracture mechanics expert Shih Choon Fong, Norwegian ecologist Nils Stenseth and Japanese climatologist Toshio Koike. Their certificates and medals were presented by BAI Chunli, President of the academy, in a ceremony in Beijing.
类型: 期刊论文
来源: Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2019年01期
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学
专业: 自然科学理论与方法
分类号: N19
页码: 4-5
总页数: 2
文件大小: 1098K
下载量: 4
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