伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies,PR)、猪瘟(Classical swine fever,CSF)和猪圆环病毒病(Porcine circovirus associated disease,PCVAD)在全世界范围广泛分布,三者常常混合感染,对养猪业造成巨大的经济损失。CSF是由猪瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus,CSFV)引起的,而E2蛋白作为猪瘟病毒的囊膜糖蛋白,常用于猪瘟亚单位疫苗的研制。猪圆环病毒病是由猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV-2)感染所致,病毒衣壳蛋白(Capsid,Cap)是猪圆环病毒病亚单位疫苗开发的主要抗原蛋白。2011年,Bartha-K61疫苗免疫的猪场爆发伪狂犬病;前期研究表明,用新分离的PRV变异株PRV TJ攻毒时,Bartha-K61疫苗无法对猪只提供完全的保护;而gE/gI/TK基因缺失PRV TJ疫苗安全性能高,能够提供完全保护。多价疫苗,尤其是表达外源蛋白的病毒载体疫苗,是抵抗多种猪病混合感染的有效策略。因此,基因缺失PRV开发多价活病毒载体疫苗具有良好的应用前景。在本研究中,利用Fosmid文库平台构建了共表达CSFV E2蛋白和PCV 2 Cap蛋白的gE/gI/TK三基因缺失重组PRV,利用间接免疫荧光技术(IFA)和免疫印迹法(WB)验证E2蛋白和Cap蛋白可在PK-15细胞上高水平表达。重组病毒rPRVTJ-delgE/gI/TK-E2-Cap在pK-15细胞上传代20代后,其生长曲线与亲本病毒rPRV-delgE/gI/TK无明显差别,说明基因缺失和外源基因的插入不影响PRV病毒粒子的形成和增殖能力。以P5、P10、P15和P20代病毒的基因组为模板,PCR扩增均能获得比亲本毒对应基因分子量减小的gE/gI/TK基因以及外源基因E2和Cap,说明该重组病毒具有良好的遗传稳定性。在家兔和猪只上的免疫评价结果表明,rPRVTJ-delgE/gI/TK-E2-Cap对家兔和猪是安全的,没有引起任何PRV特异性的临床症状,包括发热。从免疫后家兔和猪只的血清中均能检测出抗PRV的抗体,但没有抗CSFV和PCV 2的抗体,可能插入外源基因的条件不合适或E2和Cap蛋白的表达量太低不足以诱导产生抗体。本研究为病毒载体疫苗的开发提供了一个新的平台,并为优化设计后的rPRVTJ-delgE/gI/TK-E2-Cap有希望作为一种的三价候选疫苗,以对抗PRV、PCV 2和CSFV混合感染提供了新的见解。
附件摘要AbstractAbbreviationsCHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Pseudorabies(PR) 1.1.1 Overview of PR 1.1.2 Pseudorabies virus(PRV) 1.1.3 Epidemiology of PRV in China 1.1.4 Vaccines against PR 1.1.5 Use of PRV as a vaccine vector 1.2 Classical swine fever(CSF) 1.2.1 Overview of CSF 1.2.2 Classical swine fever virus(CSFV) 1.2.3 The distribution of CSF 1.2.4 Vaccines against CSF 1.3 Porcine circovirus-associated disease(PCVAD) 1.3.1 Porcine circovirus type2 (PCV2) 1.3.2 Vaccines and control of PCV2 in China 1.4 Co-infections of PRV,CSFV,and PCV2 1.5 Importance of vaccines and the need for developing novel vaccines 1.6 Live virus-vectored vaccines 1.7 Fosmid Library and Red/ET 1.7.1 Mechanism/steps for Copy Control?Cloning System 1.8 Modification of fosmids by Red/ET mediated recombination 1.8.1 Red/ET Recombination 1.8.2 The rps L-neo counter-selection system 1.9 Research Purpose and significanceCHAPTER 2 Establishment of fosmid library for the PRV TJ Strain Background 2.1 Materials and methods 2.1.1 Key reagents and equipments 2.1.2 Virus strain and cells 2.1.3 Extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from PRV-TJ strain 2.1.4 Assessment of quality and integrity of genome by Virus rescue 2.1.5 Shearing of purified DNA into25-40 kb sized DNA fragments 2.1.6 End repairing of DNA fragments5’phosphorylated blunt ends 2.1.7 Separation and isolation of25-40 kb end-repaired DNA fragments by LMP gold agarose pulse field gel electrophoresis(PFGE) 2.1.8 Ligation of purified end-repaired DNA fragments to PCC1FOS vector 2.1.9 Packaging of PCC1FOS ligated DNA into lambda phage and plating on EPI300?cells and incubation of clones for overnight 2.1.10 Picking single clones and induce the fosmids to high-copy number 2.1.11 Fosmid Extraction Protocol 2.1.12 Sequencing 2.1.13 Preparation of bacterial stock of fosmids 2.1.14 Sequencing Results and analysis 2.1.15 Alignment of different fragments to get complete genome of PRV TJ-strain 2.1.16 Arrangement of fosmids into library of various sized fosmids 2.1.17 Arrangement of fosmids into various groups 2.1.18 Culturing of fosmid containing on agar plates and LB medium 2.1.19 Extraction of fosmids 2.1.20 Checking of fosmid concentration 2.1.21 Culturing of Vero cells into10 cm petri dishes 2.1.22 Rescue of the recombinant PRV by fosmids 2.1.23 Immunofluorescence assay(IFA) 2.1.24 Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) 2.1.25 Pulse field gel electrophoresis(PFGE) 2.1.26 Electron microscopy 2.1.27 Plaque assay 2.1.28 Replication kinetics of the rescued PRV 2.2 Results 2.2.1 Extraction of high-quality PRV genomic DNA 2.2.2 Generation of the fosmid library for PRV 2.2.3 Rescue and Characterization of r PRV TJ by fosmid library 2.3 Discussion 2.4 SummaryCHAPTER 3 Generation of a recombinant PRV co-expressing CSFV E2 protein and PCV2 capsid protein using fosmid library platform Background 3.1 Materials and methods 3.1.1 Key reagents and equipments 3.1.2 Virus and cells 3.1.3 Experimental protocol for Red/ET mediated recombination to generate recombinant fosmid Setting up overnight culture of DH10B Co-electroporation of fosmid and p Red/ET Amplification of rps L-neo cassette flanked by homologous arms Precipitation of DNA for electroporation Insertion of rps L-neo into desired fosmid Picking single colonies for antibiotic selection Extraction of fosmids for PCR amplification PCR amplification Sequencing analysis Replacing the rps L-neo cassette in the target fosmid by desired gene Picking single colonies Extraction of fosmids for PCR verification PCR Sequencing 3.1.4 Construction of recombinant E2 expression cassette 3.1.5 Codon optimization of PCV2 Cap gene 3.1.6 Construction of recombinant fosmids with TK and g E/g I gene-deletion 3.1.7 Construction of recombinant fosmid with E2 and Cap gene insertion 3.1.8 Rescue and identification of r PRVTJ-delg E/g I/TK-E2-Cap 3.1.9 Immunofluorescence assay(IFA) 3.1.10 Western blotting 3.1.11 One-step growth curve 3.1.12 Genetic stability of the recombinant virus 3.2 Results 3.2.1 Rescue and characterization of r PRVTJ-delg E/g I/TK-E2-Cap 3.2.2 Confirmation of E2 and Cap expression 3.2.3 Growth kinetics and stability of recombinant viruses 3.3 Discussion 3.4 SummaryCHAPTER 4 Safety and immunogenicity evaluation in rabbits and pigs 4.1 Materials and Methods 4.1.1 Ethics approval for animal experiments 4.1.2 Experimental design for immunization of rabbits 4.1.3 Experimental design for immunization of pigs 4.1.4 Blocking ELISA 4.1.5 Statistical analysis 4.2 Results 4.2.1 Safety of r PRVTJ-delg E/g I/TK-E2-Cap for rabbits 4.2.2 Immunogenicity of r PRVTJ-delg E/g I/TK-E2-Cap in rabbits 4.2.3 Immunogenicity of r PRVTJ-delg E/g I/TK-E2-Cap in pigs 4.3 Discussion 4.4 SummaryCHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONREFERENCESAPPENDIXACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
类型: 博士论文
作者: Muhammad Abid
导师: 仇华吉
关键词: 伪狂犬病病毒,猪瘟病毒,猪圆环病毒型,疫苗
来源: 中国农业科学院
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,农业科技
专业: 生物学,畜牧与动物医学
单位: 中国农业科学院
基金: National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Nos.31870152,31802163 and 31702279)
分类号: S852.651
DOI: 10.27630/d.cnki.gznky.2019.000074
总页数: 116
文件大小: 5177k
下载量: 3
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标签:伪狂犬病病毒论文; 猪瘟病毒论文; 猪圆环病毒型论文; 疫苗论文;