1. The bougainvillea, Xiamen’s official flower, blooms along Huandao Road
Aflock of egrets fly over Yundang Lake, a seawater body in the heart of Xiamen in southeast China’s Fujian Province, creating a watercolor painting as they are reflected on the shimmering water clear as a mirror. Towering skyscrapers add an element of modernity to the radiant scene of natural beauty.
Forty years ago, it was a different picture. Weeds ran riot in the black, smelly water where mosquitoes and flies bred due to pollution caused by the increasing factories and population.
Through comprehensive treatment, today’s Yundang Lake is a testament to Xiamen’s ecological progress, with small lush green islands in the lagoon. It has become a prime tourist destination and a popular site for recreational activities.
Huandao Road, which encircles the city and provides dazzling glimpses of the sea and exquisite scenic spots, is as popular as Yundang Lake. The clean beach, the sea and the distant islands seen through the mist have made it a hot tourist resort, a prized location for wedding photos and a must-do trail for amateur marathon runners.
Xiamen is magnetic and fascinating for both visitors and residents, and has become one of the most good-looking and livable cities in China.
(Photos by Wang Xiang)
Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo
Comments to zhangshsh@bjreview.com
2.1 被调查对象的基本情况 989名孕妇年龄22~41岁,平均年龄(27.48±0.46)岁,其中22~29岁701名占70.88%,30~41岁288名占29.12%;孕周12~39周;文化程度为大专及以下学历393名(低学历组)占39.74%,本科及以上学历596名(高学历组)占60.26%;601名为城市户口占60.77%,388名为农村户口占39.23%。
2. Yundang Lake, a testament to Xiamen’s ecological restoration drive
3. Senior residents participate in a chorus by Yundang Lake
4. Men jog along Huandao Road
标签:政治论文论文; 学历论文; 年龄论文; 刚度论文; 自由度论文; 政治论文; 法律论文; 中国政治论文; 地方政治论文; 《BeijingReview》2019年第43期论文;