Helga Zepp-LaRouche:TraditionRevisited论文

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:TraditionRevisited论文

The author is the founder of the Schiller Institute headquartered in Washington, D.C.

When one looks at the scope of all the speeches and articles by the Chinese president published in the two volumes of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, (and the many more he publishes during his travels to foreign countries), one has to come to the conclusion that he is without a doubt the most visionary and broadly developed intellectually of all the leaders on the world stage today.

His in-depth knowledge of science, principles of economy, Chinese history and philosophy, foreign cultures and the importance of classical culture is obviously the reason why he has given life so rapidly to the most important strategic vision of the present day: the idea of a community with a shared future for humanity, a concept of international policy which overcomes geopolitics and establishes a higher concept for the harmonious cooperation of all humanity.

His continuous emphasis on scientific and technological innovation as the primary productive force and the qualitative successive leaps in modern science, which he develops in his articles about new development concepts, should inform anyone who wonders why the Chinese economic model is so much more successful than the liberal model, which in contrast, emphasizes monetary profit as primary.

1.3.1 墙体和后坡:墙体厚度取当地最大冻土层厚度加0.5米,后坡厚度取后墙厚度的1/3。把墙体厚度设计为2米(上端最窄处宽),后坡厚度0.7米。

在这段语料中,从宾利先生对本内特太太提议的回答可以看出,宾利先生的话语中存在着明显的语用模糊现象。宾利先生想要达西先生和伊丽莎白两个人单独出门。但是他询问的却是伊丽莎白的妹妹 (Kitty)是否觉得路程太远了。这种语用模糊的现象,通常使得话语的言外之意的不确定性带有一定的动机。一方面为达西先生和伊丽莎白的独处创造了条件,另一方面又从礼貌原则出发保存了伊丽莎白妹妹在对话中的面子。

While Xi has stated repeatedly that China has no intention whatsoever to export the Chinese system to other countries, it is also apparent that more and more countries around the world are starting to see the benefits of making the goal of society scientific excellence in combination with moral improvement


Comments to yanwei@bjreview.com

Mongolian President Khaltmaa Battulga said in a congratulatory letter that President Xi Jinping’s works reflect his insights and experiences in leading China and the Chinese people on their future road.

Xi points to the evident advantages of having a large population of 1.4 billion people and the most scientists and engineers in the world. He states that the goal must be to train an ever larger number of highcaliber, creative, highly educated scientists, which will give China the edge in frontier areas of knowledge. Actually, from the standpoint of the 5,000-year continuous history of China, that is not a new role for the country. Xi points out that before the 16th century, China had 173 items among the world’s most important 300 inventions and discoveries.

It is most remarkable that for Xi, scientific progress absolutely goes along with the moral improvement and cultural education of the people. In the tradition of Confucius, Mencius and other great philosophers, he sees that the role of literature and the visual arts is to sensitize the population for what is true, good and beautiful, which actually also corresponds to the ancient Greek standard of great classical art and what is false, evil and ugly, which should be opposed and repudiated. He explicitly refers to Cai Yuanpei, a prominent educator who served as president of Peking University from 1916 to 1927, in underscoring his emphasis on the importance of moral and aesthetic education, without which a person who might be strong otherwise will end up on the side of vice.

Since the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership, bilateral relations between Mongolia and China have been increasingly active, and the friendship between the two peoples has continued to deepen, Battulga added.

Xi has repeatedly stressed the fundamental importance of aesthetic education as the absolute precondition for students to develop a beautiful mind. Lifelong study of science and culture, and the Confucian ideal of daily rejuvenation, should be the guideline for all the people, but especially to inspire the youth, who are called upon to develop new scientific concepts to contribute to realizing the Chinese dream.

The Mongolian editions of the first volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China and Up and Out of Poverty were released at a China-Mongolia seminar on state governance in Ulan Bator on August 30.

Officials attend the launch ceremony of the Mongolian editions of the first volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China and Up and Out of Poverty in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, on August 30

Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo

The West only has to go back to its own great traditions and join hands with Xi’s offer to collaborate on the new Silk Road in order to realize the shared future of humanity. My conclusion after reading Xi Jinping: The Governance of China is that he is a true Renaissance man who shows the way for the future.

If one looks for the reason why China has already taken world leadership in several science and technology fields, it is most instructive that Xi had already in the article Transition to Innovation-Driven Growth of June 9, 2014, defined the areas where major breakthroughs are expected by Chinese scientists: the structure of matter, the evolution of the universe, the origin of life and the nature of consciousness. Obviously, these are all fields where discoveries of new physical principles will define qualitative advancements in human knowledge, which will be the basis for entirely new economic platforms, where each new discovery will redefine every aspect of the economy in terms of the level of increased productivity. That is the essence of innovation-driven progress for the well-being of the people.

Mongolian Editions of Xi Jinping’s Books Released

While Xi has stated repeatedly that China has no intention whatsoever to export the Chinese system to other countries, it is also apparent that more and more countries around the world are starting to see the benefits of making the goal of society scientific excellence in combination with moral improvement. If some liberal forces in the West see this as a competition between systems, it is not that China threatens the world by trying to impose hegemony, but rather that the West has lost its own best traditions, for example, the principles of the American Revolution and the German classical period, which influenced Cai, among others.

The event, co-organized by the Chinese State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, the China International Publishing Group and the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia, was attended by senior government officials of both countries.

管线点的测量精度,管线测量控制网宜分级布设导线网,管线点的解析坐标中误差(指测点相对邻近解析控制点)不大于±5cm,地下管线图上测量点位中误差不大于±0.5 mm。


The Mongolian president wished China more prosperity under the guidance of Xi.

Jiang Jianguo, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said in an address that the publication of the two books in Mongolian is a great gift from the translation and publishing circles of China and Mongolia for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In his speech, Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Xing Haiming said that strengthening the exchange of experiences between the two countries in administering state affairs is an important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries.

He expressed hope that the publication of Xi’s books in Mongolian will help strengthen cultural exchanges between the two countries and promote common development.

Following the launch ceremony, experts and scholars from the two countries held indepth discussions on the books during the seminar.


A vision for a sustainable future for humanity inspires all By Helga Zepp-LaRouche

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:TraditionRevisited论文
