Progress in Design and Experiment Validation of Pressure Pipe for Demonstration Fast Reactor

Progress in Design and Experiment Validation of Pressure Pipe for Demonstration Fast Reactor


<正>The pressure pipe was composed of a tee junction,two branch pipelines and two seal assembly,which was used to connect the outlet of the main circulation pump-1 and the large grid plate header to provide a flow channel for cold sodium.Based on functions,indicators,



类型: 期刊论文

作者: XIA Yu,LIU Zhaoyang,SUN Gang,DENG Xia,SUN Shuai,WANG Mingzheng,WU Shuijin

来源: Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy 2019年00期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 核科学技术

单位: Division of Reactor Engineering Technology Research

分类号: TL433

页码: 134-136

总页数: 3

文件大小: 530K


Progress in Design and Experiment Validation of Pressure Pipe for Demonstration Fast Reactor
