




  • 摘要
  • Abstract
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  •   1.1 Research sources and background
  •     1.1.1 Research sources
  •     1.1.2 Research background
  •   1.2 Literature review
  •     1.2.1 Studies on main shocks and aftershocks ground motion characteristics
  •     1.2.2 Effect of aftershocks on structural response
  •     1.2.3 Damage potential of ground motions
  •     1.2.4 Inelastic response spectra due to mainshock-aftershock sequences
  •   1.3 Main contents of this study
  • Chapter 2 Ground motion selection of main shock-aftershock sequences andthe corresponding parameters
  •   2.1 Introduction
  •   2.2 Selection of main shock-aftershock ground motions
  •     2.2.1 Magnitude-distance relationship
  •     2.2.2 Magnitude-acceleration relationship
  •   2.3 Analysis of main shock-aftershock sequence parameters
  •     2.3.1 Ground motion parameters related to acceleration
  •     2.3.2 Ground motion parameters related to velocity
  •     2.3.3 Ground motion parameters related to displacement
  •   2.4 Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 3 Correlation between main shock-aftershock intensities andstructural damages
  •   3.1 Introduction
  •   3.2 Nonlinear SDOF system and structural damage index
  •     3.2.1 Modeling of nonlinear SDOF system
  •     3.2.2 Selection of Structural Damage Index
  •   3.3 Cumulative damage and incremental damage
  •   3.4 Linear Correlation assessment
  •   3.5 Chapter summary
  • Chapter 4 Effects of hysteretic behaviors on correlation between main shock-aftershock intensities and structural damages
  •   4.1 Introduction
  •   4.2 Pearson correlation coefficients corresponding to R=2
  •     4.2.1 Results related to the acceleration-based parameters
  •     4.2.2 Results related to the velocity-based parameters
  •     4.2.3 Results related to the displacement-based parameters
  •   4.3 Pearson correlation coefficients corresponding to R=3
  •     4.3.1 Results related to the acceleration-based parameters
  •     4.3.2 Results related to the velocity-based parameters
  •     4.3.3 Results related to the displacement-based parameters
  •   4.4 Pearson correlation coefficients corresponding to R=4
  •     4.4.1 Results related to the acceleration-based parameters
  •     4.4.2 Results related to the velocity-based parameters
  •     4.4.3 Results related to the displacement-based parameters
  •   4.5 Pearson correlation coefficients corresponding to R=5
  •     4.5.1 Results related to the acceleration-based parameters
  •     4.5.2 Results related to the displacement-based parameters
  •     4.5.3 Results related to the displacement-based parameters
  •   4.6 Chapter summary
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Resume
  • 文章来源

    类型: 硕士论文

    作者: 艾萨姆(Esam Abdullah Saeed Haidar AL-athwari)

    导师: 于晓辉

    关键词: 主余震序列,体系,累积损伤,增量损伤,损伤指数,滞回特性

    来源: 哈尔滨工业大学

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学

    专业: 地质学,地球物理学

    单位: 哈尔滨工业大学

    基金: the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project “Study on Multi-element Joint Vulnerability of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures under Main shocks-Aftershocks Sequences”(Project Approval Number:51408155)

    分类号: P315.9

    DOI: 10.27061/d.cnki.ghgdu.2019.001978

    总页数: 113

    文件大小: 25255K

    下载量: 39


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