鸭疫里默氏杆菌(Riemerella anatipestifer)是引起水禽败血症和渗出性疾病的重要致病菌。毒力因子的研究将有助于我们了解该病原菌的致病机制,并制定有效的防控措施。鸭疫里默氏杆菌具有称为IX型分泌系统的蛋白质分泌系统。前期研究中,我们发现AS8708785基因的缺失显著降低了鸭疫里默氏杆菌Yb2株的细菌毒力,然而,其机制仍然未知。本研究构建并鉴定了鸭疫里默氏杆菌AS8708785基因突变和互补菌株。序列分析表明,AS8708785基因编码GldK蛋白,通过蛋白质印迹分析鉴定该蛋白位于细胞膜组分。液相色谱-串联质谱分析显示,在Yb2ΔgldK培养物中不存在具有典型T9SS CTD的四种蛋白质。进一步的测定显示突变菌株Yb2ΔgldK在蛋白质消化中是有缺陷的,支持了这些聚合物消化所涉及的酶由T9SS分泌的观点。互补菌株cYb2ΔgldK恢复蛋白水解活性。突变菌株Yb2ΔgldK在琼脂平板上表现出有缺陷的滑动运动,蛋白酶活性和蛋白质分泌能力降低。转录组测序和qPCR分析表明,突变株Yb2ΔgldK中有13个基因的下调表达。动物实验表明,与野生型Yb2感染的鸭相比,Yb2ΔgldK感染鸭血液中的载菌量显著降低。互补菌株cYb2ΔgldK恢复了大部分缺陷的生物学特性。综上所述,鸭疫里默氏杆菌AS8708785基因编码IX型分泌系统的关键组分GldK,其作用于细菌滑动运动,蛋白质分泌和细菌毒力。
附表ABSTRACT摘要List of abbreviationsCHAPTER 1.Research progress on the Riemerella anatipestifer 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 The Riemerella anatipestifer genus'taxonomy 1.1.2 Growth conditions and phenotypes of Riemerella anatipestifer 1.1.3 Molecular biology and fingerprints of Riemerella anatipestifer 1.1.4 Sequences analysis and virulence factors of Riemerella anatipestifer 1.1.5 Serological Features 1.1.6 Epidemiology of Riemerella anatipestifer 1.1.7 Pathogenesis,clinical evidence and disease of Riemerella antipestifer infection 1.1.8 Type IX secretion system overview 1.1.9 Type IX secretion system 1.1.10 Gliding motility of bacteriodetes 1.2 Literature Review 1.3 Goal of the project 1.3.1 Research objectives 1.3.2 Specific purpose of the project08785 gene encodes a functional component GldK of the type IX secretion system'>CHAPTER 2 Riemerella anatipestifer AS8708785 gene encodes a functional component GldK of the type IX secretion system 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Materials and methods 2.2.1 Bacterial strains,plasmids and culture conditions 2.2.2 Medium 2.2.3 Buffer 2.2.4 Equipment 2.2.5 Consumables 2.2.6 Chemical and reagents 2.2.7 Enzymes 2.2.8 Cloning kit 2.2.9 Isolation of bacterial genomic DNA 2.2.10 Concentration and quality of DNA determination 2.2.11 Identification of the mutant strain Yb2ΔgldK 2.2.12 Complementation of the Yb2ΔgldK mutant strain 2.2.13 Bacterial growth,adherence and invasion assays 2.2.14 GldK expression antibody production and western blotting analysis 2.2.15 Subcellular fraction 2.2.16 Western blot 2.2.17 Microscopic observation of colony spreading 2.2.18 Measurement of protease activity 2.2.19 Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS)analysis of the protein secretion 2.2.20 RNA-sequencing and differential expression analysis 2.2.21 Extraction of Bacterial Total RNA 2.2.22 Real-time quantitative PCR(qPCR)analysis 2.2.23 Assessment of virulence in vivo 2.2.24 Statistical analysis 2.3 RESULTS 2.3.1 Bioinformatics analysis of the R.anatipestifer gldK gene 2.3.2 Expression of R.anatipestifer recombinant GldK 2.3.3 Identification of the mutant strain Yb2ΔgldK 2.3.4 Deletion of the gldK gene decreases bacterial adherence and invasion capacities 2.3.5 Subcellular location of the GldK 2.3.6 The gldK deletion mutant is defective in gliding motility 2.3.7 Deletion of the gldK gene significantly attenuates bacterial virulence 2.3.8 The gldK deletion mutant exhibits defects in protein secretion 2.3.9 The gldK disruption affects gene expression 2.4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTSCURRICULUM VITAE
类型: 博士论文
作者: Kanwar Kumar
导师: 于圣青
关键词: 鸭疫里默氏杆菌,细菌滑行运动,型分泌系统,细菌毒力
来源: 中国农业科学院
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,农业科技
专业: 生物学,畜牧与动物医学
单位: 中国农业科学院
基金: National Key R&D Program (2016YFD0500805),the Shanghai Key Project on Agricultural Development through Science and Technology (2016HNG4-1),Co-innovation of Science and Technology Innovation Project in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-XTCX2016011-04-8)
分类号: S852.61
总页数: 81
文件大小: 2880K
下载量: 78
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标签:鸭疫里默氏杆菌论文; 细菌滑行运动论文; 型分泌系统论文; 细菌毒力论文;