Mercury bioaccumulation in fish in an artificial lake used to carry out cage culture

Mercury bioaccumulation in fish in an artificial lake used to carry out cage culture


As a global toxic pollutant,mercury(Hg)bioaccumulation within food chain could be influenced by human disturbance.Ten typical fish species were collected from Changshou Lake,an artificial lake used to carry out cage fish culture,to investigate the C/N isotopic compositions and Hg bioaccumulation in fish.The results showed that the total Hg(THg)and methylmercury(MeHg)levels in fish muscles((56.03±43.96)and(32.35±29.57)ng/g,wet weight),comparable with those in most studies in China,were significantly lower than the international marketing limit(0.5 mg/kg).Past human input for cage culture in this lake led to abnormal15N enrichment in food chain,as the quantitative trophic levels based onδ15N were different with that classified by feeding behaviors.This phenomenon subsequently demonstrated that it should be considered thoughtfully with respect to the application of the traditional method for understanding Hg bioaccumulation power by the slope of log10[Hg]withδ15N regression in specific water body(i.e.,Changshou Lake).In addition,no significant linear correlation between Hg and body weight or length of some fish species was observed,suggesting that the fish growth in the eutrophic environment was disproportionate with Hg bioaccumulation,and fish length or weight was not the main factor affecting Hg transfer with food web.The occurrence of human disturbance in aquatic system presents a challenge to a better understanding of the Hg bioaccumulation and biomagnification within the food chain.


  • Introduction
  • 1. Materials and methods
  •   1.1. Sampling region and fish samples
  •   1.2. Samples preparation and analysis
  •   1.3. Data analysis
  • 2. Results and discussion
  •   2.1. Hg in fish
  •   2.2. Fish isotopic compositions in the Changshou Lake
  •   2.3. Bioaccumulation of Hg with trophic levels
  • 3. Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Yongmin Wang,Qing Xie,Qinqin Xu,Jinping Xue,Cheng Zhang,Dingyong Wang

    来源: Journal of Environmental Sciences 2019年04期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑,基础科学

    专业: 生物学,环境科学与资源利用

    单位: College of Resources and Environment,Southwest University,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment

    基金: supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41603103 and 41373113),the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. XDJK2017B035)

    分类号: X171.5

    页码: 352-359

    总页数: 8

    文件大小: 2029K

    下载量: 17


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    Mercury bioaccumulation in fish in an artificial lake used to carry out cage culture
